Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

IDL – Instituto Dom Luiz

Description of main R&I activities

IDL formed so far ca. 85 PhD student, in Sustainable Energy Systems and Earth Systems PhD programmes; captured ca. 30 M€ in research projects and grants, i.e. internationally, ca. 0.7 M€ from international industry, 2.9 M€ in European Commission and nationally ca. 2 M€ from FCT and 0.5 M€ from national industry.

Key contributions for the CoLAB

Sustainability evaluations (energy, GHG emissions, cost, EROI) of lab-scale to industrial-scale biomass to product/products; biofuels in road transport life cycle and local emission analysis, dynamic LCA.

Integration with solar energy harvesting, including solar resource assessment, both at the global scale in a changing climate and in complex 3D urban landscapes; synergies with electric mobility, energy demand in buildings and smarter energy storage within international consortia EUALGAE, PEARL PV, TRANSENER and MEDSOL, and is the backbone for the Lisbon solar energy strategy developed by the local energy agency.

International Networks / Associations

EERA-Bioenergy; EERA-Photovoltaic; Energy Conversion and Atmospheric Emissions Laboratory-UECE; Brazilian combustion network