Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. (LNEG)

Unit of Bioenergy – UB

Description of main R&I activities

Biomass endogenous resource: Pre-treatments of biomass (Conventional and novel processes); Biofuels and bioproducts: Secondary energy carriers (heat, power, electricity) and biofuels from energy-focused biorefineries; Advanced liquid biofuels with low carbon footprint; Bioproducts from non-energy-driven biorefineries (intermediary and final products incorporated in the value-chain); Power-to-Gas, Power-to-Liquid - New energetic carriers; Power-to-Chemicals; Green chemistry and green engineering principles in bioproducts and biofuels formulation; Microorganisms, Microalgae and Enzymes Towards Bioeconomy: Screening of novel cell factories (microorganisms or microalgae) or enzymes; Development of robust cell factories (microorganisms or microalgae) or enzymes; Process intensification using selected microorganisms, microalgae or enzymes; Environmental, Social and Economical Sustainability for Biomasses Uses: Energetic and materials analysis of integrated biorefineries; Sustainability assessment of the environmental (including GHG performance), economic and social impacts of Biorefineries; Land use; Public-policies Support.

Key contributions for the CoLAB

LNEG hosts a national Infrastructure on Biomass and Bioenergy (BBRI) since 2014 (FCT Roadmap 2014-2020). BBRI is a research infrastructure built on the existing lab and pilot infrastructure of the Unit of Bioenergy of LNEG, with activities focused on biochemical and thermochemical processes for production advanced biofuels, chemicals and other bio-based materials. The BBRI is contributing for the excellence of research in Portugal in the field of Bioenergy and is aligned fully with the main value chains of the Strategic Energy Technological-SET PLAN and the implementation plan of the former European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI), now ETIP-European Technological and Innovation Platform on Bioenergy.

International Networks / Associations

European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), LNEG/UB is member of Management Board and Steering Committee of EERA-Bioenergy; Coordinator of the SP2-Biochemical Processing of Biomass to NextGen biofuels and bio-based products of EERA-Bioenergy; 

European Technological and Innovation Platform on Bioenergy (ETIP-Bioenergy) - LNEG/UB is member of the Steering Committee and Vice-Chair of WG2-Biomass Conversion

European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (ESEIA) - LNEG/Board is the Vice-President of ESEIA (Teresa Leão).