Biomethane: A Keystone for Sustainable Energy Transition

In an era where sustainable energy solutions are more critical than ever, CoLAB BIOREF has produced an opinion piece to Kéramica magazine. The article, entitled “Biomethane: One of the Main Bets for a True Energetic Transition,” is penned by BIOREF’s Technical Scientifical Director, Joana Bernardo.

The piece discusses the industrial ceramic sector’s reliance on natural gas for operations, emphasizing the sector’s significance within the Portuguese market. It highlights the industry’s recent shift, where international sales have begun to surpass domestic ones, reflecting the sector’s growing global influence.

Moreover, the article touches upon Portugal’s leading role in developing best practices for the energy sector, particularly within the ceramic industry. It acknowledges the added complexity of energy transition in this sector, given the specific needs and processes involved.

The collaboration between CoLAB BIOREF and Kéramica magazine underscores the importance of disseminating knowledge and engaging in public discourse about the future of energy, where biomethane is poised to play a pivotal role.

This publication not only reflects BIOREF’s commitment to advancing sustainable energy but also its dedication to educating and influencing the broader community on the potential of biomethane.

You can check out the full article here:
