Events and Meetings Regarding European Projects

Over the last few months, CoLAB BIOREF has participated in several events and meetings within the scope of the various European projects in which it is involved.

Within the scope of the three European projects in which it participates (PYRAGRAF EU ProjectICARUS - International cooperation for sustainable aviation biofuels and HYFUELUP project), there were several events and meetings attended by CoLAB researchers in the last months of the year. 

On October 27th, the annual event dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme took place at Pavilhão do Conhecimento, in Lisbon, with presence in the round table entitled "Crafting winning strategies for success", where the general experience of CoLAB's participation in European projects was addressed. 

This was followed, also in October, by the kick-off meeting of the ICARUS project on the island of Crete and the consortium meeting of the HYFUELUP project, in November in Athens, where CoLAB researchers Alda Rodrigues and Gonçalo Lourinho, respectively reported on the activities of both the projects. The CoLAB delegation also included the President of the Management Board, Francisco Gírio, and the Technical-Scientific Director, Joana Bernardo.

Link to the news article: 
