CoLAB BIOREF takes part in the 31st EUBCE

CoLAB BIOREF recently participated in the 31st Edition of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE), held in Bologna, Italy, last June 5-9.

CoLAB BIOREF recently participated in the 31st Edition of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE), held in Bologna, Italy, last June 5-9. 

The EUBCE is the largest event (conference and fair) on biomass in the world. During the conference, more than 2,000 experts from academia and industry share and discuss innovative ideas, technologies, applications and solutions for biomass supply, production and use.

During the event, COLAB BIOREF had the opportunity to disseminate the activities of the Move2LowC: Bio-Based Fuels project and promote COLAB's own R&D areas. It was a week of networking and building bridges with some of the key players in the European industry.
