Universidade de Aveiro

CICECO – Instituto de Materiais de Aveiro (Aveiro Institute of Materials)

Description of main R&I activities

During the last 10 years CICECO Group 4 developed an intense research activity in several Biorefinery domains within the scope of 57 national (FCT P2020) and 12 EU Projects, and also with a strong interaction with industry in 29 projects (e.g. QREN) and 60 contracts which accounted for ~20M € funding.

Key contributions for the CoLAB

UA and CICECO will contribute to the Development of this CoLAB I&I agenda with its expertise and highly qualified and motivated scientists and strong research momentum, as well as its strong interaction with industrial partners. The development of this CoLAB will find strong synergies with several ongoing large national Biorefinery driven projects notably, MultiBiorefinery, AgroForWealth and InPacTus. 

The Doctoral programme in Biorefinery offered by UA (jointly with UC) and the associated specialisation courses will also play an essential role in the advanced qualification of Huma resources to serve the CoLab.

Finally, the access to state-of-the-art facilities, namely laboratories and equipments available in CICECO and essential for most activities to be developed within the scope of this CoLAB.

International Networks / Associations

The European University Association (EUA), The European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), Grupo de Tordesilhas, University Technology Enterprise Network (UTEN), Colombus, Universia, Carnegie Mellon Portugal, Campus Europae, Campus do Mar, and Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP).