Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials (LSRE-LCM)
Description of main R&I activities
UP will be represented by LSRE-LCM a worldwide recognised R&D centre in the area of Cyclic Adsorption/Reaction Processes with research projects funded by major chemical industry companies such as TOTAL, ExxonMobil and DSM, and in the intersection of the fields of Catalysis and Carbon aiming at the development of more sustainable technologies, such as catalysts for environmental applications, electrochemical devices for energy production and storage, biomass conversion into platform chemicals and biofuels, and synthesis of high added value products. Results of these activities have been published in scientific journals (ca. 140 ISI papers per year) and 19 families of patents have been registered, of which 6 have been granted internationally. Three spin-off companies (,, have been created.
Key contributions for the CoLAB
Catalytic processes for Biomass Conversion into Fuels and Chemicals; Catalytic processes for CO2 valorisation into Chemicals and fuels; Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Conversion and Storage; Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Production of Green Fuels, Additives and Solvents; Renewable biomass-derived feedstocks for hydrogen or synthesis gas production via steam reforming; Lignin stream valorisation.
International Networks / Associations
A.SPIRE – Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency